Who am I? It's a question we all ask ourselves sooner or later, and more often then not we don't really have the answers for that question. I'm hoping that I can give you a picture of who I am, as you browse through my creation here. All the graphics are my creation, from backgrounds to buttons and bars, all the poetry is ©Krymson Rose or as I was formerly known Ayresta.

I think first I'll answer the one question I'm always asked. "What's with the name?" I'm not sure how I really acquired my name actually, but I do know it suites me more then any other one I've had. Krymson is an alternative way of spelling Crimson, which is a dark red the color of the hearts blood. Red has always stood for love and victory, I happen to be a hopeless romantic and a bit of a foolish dreamer. Rose is self explanatory, also a symbol representing love. I have a tattoo of a red rose wrapped around a black sword, to me it represents part of who I am, a fighter and a lover.

More about me My poetry Where I live My pets
Rules for Cultists Rules for Evil Overlords Rules for Heroes Rules for Vampires
Artwork of Ruth Thompson Artwork of Luis Royo Desktop Wallpapers To my Wiccan Site

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